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Shannon Severin Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Shannon Severin

HI, I have been a private investor for over 30 years starting when I was in the 6th grade. I am a huge proponent of freedom and self-education. I believe that the general public should have a right to invest in the same funds as the privileged without having any required tests or special processes which only serve as roadblocks to wealth creation. I am capable of making my own decisions when it comes to investing. Leveraged and inverse funds are a large portion of my investment portfolio. I am depending on these for both my kids college and retirement (and I do recognize the inherent risk in doing so). However, they also have higher return rates when the markets do go back up. This is a free country! The government has no right to put up yet another barrier between people and the ultra wealthy. I oppose these proposed restrictions. We let people drink and smoke. There are risks in everything we do and people have to right to decide for themselves whether they want to take a risk. Thank you for listening.