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Sehaj Dhillon Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Sehaj Dhillon

I have already been aware of the disclosures and risks involved with leverage etfs. I have been trading for several years. It is obvious that you people do not work for the American people and instead work for your cronies. Keep making america corrupt is your goal. I can make my own decisions and if I lose money, so be it thats on me. With GME, it is obvious your protection isnt meant to help the average person. Shame on you. I wonder how you guys even go to sleep at night and look at your families with a straight face. Hopefully, you realize people can make decisions for themselves and dont need a government bureaucracy to tell them what to do. Where were you guys when 18 year olds kids sign into lifelong predatory loans?? Oh, you guys dont care about that of course! If this nonsense passes, you can expect to hear from public representatives very quickly!