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Sean Egan Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Sean Egan

It is inappropriate for a regulatory entity to impose restrictions on adults that are capable of making their own decisions when it comes to selecting investments of their own money. No regulatory has the right to tell any American citizen how, when, and where they can spend or invest their money.

FINRA already regulates those that commercially sell to, coach, and suggest investment opportunities to investors. If FINRA wants to control everything, perhaps they should offer to consult with every investor prior to investing in a complex investment.

Perhaps there should be a regulation that timeshare buyers need to attend a class and have a cooling off period. Or maybe boat/yacht and aircraft purchasers should attend mandatory class on the pitfalls and risks before being allowed to make that purchase. Educate people before they buy their first pack of cigarettes. Better yet, there should be a regulator that interviews individuals prior to marriage to identify those that are not capable of controlling their excessive and inappropriate spending tendencies that lead to bankruptcies and incremental burden on business and society.

If mandatory education of investors is so critically important, drive change in the education system to require investment education as part of the core curriculum for our youth.

Regulators should stick to protecting the investors from corrupt people that market and recommend investments; they should not be attempting to protect investors from themselves.