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Scott Meyer Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Scott Meyer

Ive been trading leveraged ETFs for over 18 months. To me it seems that you would do more harm to stop a self-directed traders ability to continue while they already have investment in the product. I could go on and on. But I will just say stopping someone especially in a bear market does not give them a chance to use leverage funds to make profit over the long term. That isnt right. You would hurt so many people. I have used for 18 months on my own and I am very happy with leveraged ETFs and self-directed trading. I dont want to trade vanilla funds. I believe regulators should stay out in this one. I would be hurt badly financially if I had to stop In the middle of the game Instead of making up the three times when the market is going up and only making one time the money. And I do get that its not 100% accurate math But, overall you know Im right. Not fair. As I have used for 18 months already. It would also be horrible and inefficient if I had to try to go to some professional to make trades when seconds and minutes matter. It is far too late to regulate now and mess up so many people.