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Scott Brzezinski Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Scott Brzezinski

Dear FINRA- I am opposed to any regulation which doesn't allow me access to the same investment vehicles as the powerful, rich and well-healed of this planet. It comes to my attention that your organization is considering regulations which may prohibit or restrict me from investing with ProShares ETFs like the UltrraPro short fund. I have been investing my own money and receiving advice from advisors at Vanguard, Fidelity and other fine institutions since 1996. I use the Inverse ETFs as a hedge of protection against rapidly falling indexes like the S&P 500, Nasdaq and other baskets of stocks. Similar to Gold and other fine metals, these ETFs are not complex and I use them as protection NOT in a speculative way. Please don't limit my options in the financial markets with any additional legislation or regulations .