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Sathish Tripurneni Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Sathish Tripurneni

Why is my right take away to invest in index leveraged, important sectors leveraged products ? I strongly oppose it , and dont want my access to be taken away

If that is the case the options should be restricted and closed to 85 % of general public too, bcoz they bring higher losses in portfolios .

Do you know the very very high fat volatility premiums on top of regular cost of the options are highly inappropriate and erodes too much of portfolio values ? With in one day market session itself, I believe too much of portfolio value erodes in general population just bcoz of fatty extra premium .

I believe you have done enough research studies on dark pools , block trading , high frequency trading , Robo trading , manipulative accounting practices , 2000% News exaggeration with less than 5-10 % data success rate , trade spoofing , short selling , Impact of improper financial news blogs, sort selling by insiders,Improper stock dilutions practices and Very High compensation packages(for Administrative company officials) based on future forward estimates.All the mentioned market practices in this paragraph hurts the market abnormally and leads to Main Street investors death deal in the long run .
I am requesting the great respected officials of FINRA to do the necessary that makes the market more visibility without erroneous practices

The greatness of FINRA can be extended to the Main Street investor in many ways . I am hoping the above written will make someone think .
