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Samuel Bazdresch Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Samuel Bazdresch

I am strongly opposed to any regulations that restrict my ability to buy or sell any form of financial security. Only I truly know what is best for my financial stability and what I am and am not able to participate in. Financial advice is one thing, and I am always open to such, as well as additional education and training, but at the end of the day I should be free to make my own choices when it comes to how I use my money, and what investments I make with it. Leveraged and inversed funds, and other forms of leveraged securities, are fundamental tools that can be used to great benefit for those with lower net worth, and make it possible for the financial markets to be inclusive of everyone, not just those with greater financial means. We already have several tests and an abundance of educational material made available to us through FINRA, the SEC, the education platforms of individual brokers, and third party market educators. Many of the brokers require traders to go through their own t3sts in order for us to start trading certain securities as it is. There is no need for FINRA, or any one, to impose further restrictions, tests, or evaluations that will only serve to increase confusion and difficulty for traders, both new and old.