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Sam Holladay Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Sam Holladay

WHAT I DO WITH MY MONEY IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. I earned it and have paid taxes on it. If I want to invest it, I should be able too. If I lose said money, I understood that when I made the investment and it falls on my shoulders. Im tired of government stepping in and trying to control what I do, say, and any thing else involving my life. The US Govt makes millions off of me and every other American and spend it like a fat kid eats candy. Im going to probably have to work until Im 70 because you have ruined Social Security by spending it inappropriately, when it wasnt yours to spend. I cant get a loan without paying it back and jumping through hoops, yet the US Govt takes money from anywhere and everywhere they can grab it. Then call it good.