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Sam Farhat Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

sam farhat

Leveraged and inverse funds are a hedging tool when I think put option premiums are expensive and/or I am unable to directly short a stock or ETF in my retirement accounts. I also use them to make speculative directional bets where I deem appropriate. Position size is always key in volatile products ,that is just common sense from the offset, or quickly learned by actual trading experience...ultimately that is the individual's responsibility, anyhone haphazard enough to enter a trade w/out understanding what they are trading and whether the position size is appropriate has earned the right to experience the pain from the bad outcome that likely will occur. Rather than focus on regulation that "saves people from themselves" (which only breeds incapable people), focus on reducing regulation that allows equal access to information and strategies that institutional investors have and abuse at the expense of retail investors. Rather than try to become my nanny, focus on eliminating the scam that is the board of directors at large companies that do nothing but collect shares and a paycheck to support in support of the lifestyle by the class of people that typically hold these positions (mostly incompetent sons/daughters of "our ruling class" is akin to a grift or tax on shareholders (a tax that provides little to no demonstrated benefit for the majority of the instances)