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Ryan Ries Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Ryan Ries

To Whom it May Concern:

I am an active retail investor with a small portion of portfolio in leveraged and inverse funds.

During the recent market downturn, hedging against losses by investing in leveraged and inverse funds has helped me to beat the market over the past three months. Without access to these types of funds, my ability to respond to market forces would be substantially hampered.

I have worked hard for the assets that I have, and I believe that I, and nobody else, should have the right to tell me how I can allocate my assets and resources. Respectfully, just because some people abuse these products, does not mean that I should be punished. Some people abuse alcohol, but we don't pull it off the shelves.

Allow responsible investors to invest responsibly and according to their investment objectives! We don't want or need someone to hold our hand.