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Ryan Davis Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Ryan Davis

Dear FINRA regulators,

I respectfully and strongly oppose further restrictions on my right to invest. Public securities should be something anyone in the public trading space should have free access to, regardless of income, occupation, net worth, or privilege. This includes leveraged and inverse funds, things I often use to hedge or trade in a tactical manner in my own portfolio. My volatility strategy specifically makes great use of these securities.

Having to take a test or to meet other special criteria to gain access to these securities is a burden the public doesnt need or want. We understand the risks and associated potential reward in these funds, and having the option to use them when appropriate is something I never thought Id have to defend. The options are already limited for many non-accredited investors; please dont limit us and the ability for our families to invest even further. My family and our investments would suffer if these measures were placed upon us.

I write this with all humility and respect - please, dont further restrict the rights surrounding publicly traded securities. Me and my family know better than anyone else how to best invest in our future. Please dont limit the options further.