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Rudolf Martin Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Rudolf Martin
Entertainment Industry

I have been investing some of my savings in the markets responsibly for almost 20 years and I respectfully oppose plans for restrictions on my right to invest in public investments that professional investors have access to. This kind of regulation would achieve the exact opposite of its intent of protecting "small investors" like myself. I should be able to educate myself, follow investor newsletters of my choice and make my own mistakes (I did but I learned). I lost money when I first started investing in the markets, then I started educating myself with books and newsletters, I learned how to limit risks, size positions, make some small risky bets and buy inverse ETFs (for example) to cut down on risk and protect myself. I understand the risks of leveraged and inverse funds, they are a tool to be used with caution. But I would not be able to hedge my investments which is how I use some of these funds if regulators decide that I'm not sophisticated or wealthy enough. If regulators deprive us small retail investors of these tools, it will be hard to invest in the markets at all. I have been able to grow my savings responsibly and with extreme caution. I urge you to refrain from taking these valuable tools away from small retail investors like myself. Thank you for considering my perspective.