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Ruben Rivera Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Ruben Rivera

To whom it may concern:
I am writing to express great concern that the FINRA policies under consideration will limit my access to leveraged and inverse funds.
These products are an important part of my investment strategy. With leveraged funds I have flexibility to invest without taking on debt, manage risks against rising or falling markets, and make personal investment decisions on hedging or using long or short-terms strategies.
I feel that I understand these products. Anytime I purchase a product, my brokerage provides adequate materials and disclosures to ensure that I understand what I am getting.
As a small investor, these instruments are one of the only tools available to help me keep pace with accredited investors who have far more at their disposal. Capital markets are set up in a way that can make it hard for the little guy to succeed. There are already enough bans and limitations on certain instruments. I can make my own financial decisions, and dont need to be protected from myself. The leveraged products I invest in are straightforward to use and understand, and access to them should not be restricted.
I sincerely hope that FINRA will NOT impose rules that limit access to these important financial tools for investors. We dont need more regulations that get in the way of our American right to take personal risk and gain the rewards.