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RS Foltz Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

RS Foltz

I, Ronald Foltz object to and oppose your unnecessary and potentially intrusive legislation attempting to regulate, reduce and/or eliminate my ability to choose how, when and where I am able to invest my own money earned and subsequently with taxes removed. Im a blue collar worker (a truck driver). I work hard and a substantial sum of hours for my money. I already devote a fair amount of time to studying potential investments in an attempt to allocate said money into resources available for my investment so as to maximize the potential for a reasonable return. I vehemently object to any additional obstacles that you may choose to consider imposing thereby further regulating my ability to take responsibility and make preparations for my own financial future. I emphatically insist that you cease considerations to further limit my ability to use the money Ive worked for, earned and paid taxes on in such a way so as to accumulate the potential for a return in seeking to improve my life and prepare for my own retirement. You have no rights whatsoever to restrain, reduce or eliminate my chosen use of my own money. Therefore, I respectfully insist that you hereby cease and desist from your further attempts to pass this incredibly objectionable and completely unnecessary further regulation. Keep the playing field open. I dont see you trying to help me pay my bills so stop trying to control my use of my money. Whoever initiated this legislation needs to have their head examined, even better, they should be fired. Im sick of seemingly never ending attempts to add additional regulations and this legislation is both toxic and harmful.