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Roger Berman Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Roger Berman

I feel that it is not the government's job to operate as big brother and tell me what I can and can't invest MY money in as far as the stock market is concerned. Inverse and leveraged funds have a place in my portfolio. They are in there for multiple purposes. Most of the time they are used for short term hedges and other times they are helpful in swing trades when the market is going in a specific direction. But I shouldn't have to explain myself to you. Again it's none of your business. You stay on your side of the fence and I'll stay on mine. I feel overall that the US is way too over regulated as it is and this is one prime example of the overreach of government entities. I happen to like some of these funds quite a lot and like i said earlier they have their place in my portfolio. Why don't you put your time, energy, & my tax dollars towards solving some of our more pertinent issues that the US faces. Like for instance sending some of the funding you receive back into other departments that need the funding much more than you do. [REDACTED] How about send money to the Transportation department so we can have better roads as the ones that we currently have are full of potholes and are literally destroying our cars. Ok I know i got way off topic there but that is how I feel as well as many many other US citizens that pay dearly in taxes and have nothing to show for it besides a government that wants to control every aspect of it's citizens lives.