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Rodney Just Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Rodney Just

To whom it may Concern,

I am strongly opposed to restricting which public investments I am allowed to invest in. Being able to invest in inverse funds allows me to hedge against a decreasing market. My 401k platforms do not offer inverse investing opportunities nor do the representatives/specialists want to take or move investments when the market is moving negatively. They say don't worry it will come back when it is moving down. It generally does but never as quickly as it goes down. Being able to invest in inverse funds gives me a hedge against losses that I am enduring elsewhere. Will all inverse funds go away or are they just planning on limiting the private investor the opportunity to utilize? Changes need to be made to level the playing field for all investors and not just accommodating the Hedge funds and super investors. This proposed change seems to do just the opposite. I have worked hard and earned what I am willing to invest and risk and should not be told or required to jump through special hoops to
prove I have the where with all to invest where I see fit.