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Rodney Bennett Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Rodney Bennett

I am concerned about my future ability to invest in various types of products that I have utilised over the last few years. I have invested in inverse ETF's, currency ETF's, Leveraged ETF's, foreign country or market ETF's, etc.

I should have the right to invest in these vehicles for the benefit of my family, and not be told what I can and cannot invest in. Anyone who is trading in these or any other investment vehicle is perfectly able to protect them selves by the appropriate monitoring of their investments and using stop orders and trailing losses.

Closing these types of investments to private investors, but leaving them open to professionals and Wall Street is one more example of limiting the freedoms of ordinary American citizens and limiting their ability to use their hard earned money to improve the lot of their families and chosen charities they wish to support.

There needs to be tighter control of the professionals, and this is where FINRA needs to be focusing more - for example, I thought Ponzi z schemes ended with Bernie Madoff, but what about SEC litigation release # 25181 dated August 20,2021 - it seems this scheme had been going on for years!