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Rodger Hoofnagle Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Rodger Hoofnagle

I cant believe you would attempt to limit my ability to invest in publically traded funds while allowing the continued manipulation of the market by the computer traded algorithimic front end trading which disadvantages the typical person investing and drives the market incessantly in one direction or the other from pure momentum. Why not reinstate some of the old rules such as the uptick rule which limited this severe fluctuation instead of coming after the common investor. I am a degreed engineer retired with many years of business development in my background. I am perfectly capable of making investment decisions without the help or guidance of regulators who refuse to regulate the inequities in the market today. I understand the leveraged and inverse funds and use them sparingly to enhance returns in my portfolio. Your desire to limit or create impediments to my investing while allowing a select group to manipulate and or use these investments is pretty disgusting.