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Robert Piettri Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Robert Piettri

I strongly oppose your these unnecessary regulations on inverse and leveraged etf's. Today's investors are very well informed of these and similar investment vehicles and we do not need your meddling in our choices!

You should be looking into ways to better regulate news driven, high speed algorithmic trading where computers key in on pre programed key phrases and can spike or crash stocks as much as 50-60% in after hours trading where only the so called "big boys" can trade millions of shares in a matter of seconds!

Why is it that guys like Buffet, Ichan and other billionaire hedge heads can take a position in a stock, then make a grandiose announcement on television through commentators and the stock instantly spike on the news. Talk about a rigged system! Where is the risk in that? Guaranteed instant profits!

Leverage and inverse etfs are starting to work with the market to the downside and can hedge losses or even provide profits.

Your proposal is totally unconstitutional!