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Robert Petta Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Robert Petta

To Regulators,

I staunchly oppose the proposed requirements to invest in leveraged ETFs and funds. I have invested in these funds for over 10 years and am fully aware of the risks. I am capable of reading the prospectus and understanding these risks. As a former financial advisor and principal, I have ALREADY passed a series of tests that prove my investment knowledge. However, even if I had not passed these tests, it is my right to invest in these funds without regulatory interference. These funds are vitally important to my investment strategies and goals to not only hedge, but to capitalize on the volatility of the market. They make up a portion of my overall investment strategy which also includes individual stocks, mutual funds, real estate funds and several other asset classes.

I do not need these measures imposed on me and find them burdensome and useless. I have used these funds carefully and very successfully for many years and want to continue to do so without limitation as I see fit.

Thank you for your consideration. And please, do not create more restrictions on investors seeking to provide for themselves in their retirement and personal investment goals