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Robert Kahn Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Robert Kahn

Sirs, In response to your considering controlling my ability to invest in leveraged and inverse funds I believe I should be the one who chooses the right investments for me and my family and all puerile should have access to such investments. I've been using such investments for years and without them would never have been able to retire safely. Removing this type of investment from all people makes the playing field not level for those who are not rich. It is unfair and inappropriate for others to decide what is best for new and my family. How can a repair know what's right for me. We as individual investors have access to education and with this should be able to invest as we see fit. In all honesty I think you should allow me to decide what's best for me, not you. The question that comes to mind is why should you get to decide for me, why do you think you know what's better for me than i do? That's pretty arrogant honestly. I use leveraged investments as a limited pay if my portfolio and they have served me well over the years. Please don't harm my family by preventing me and the public from accessing these investments.