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Robert Handerson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Robert Handerson

I think the leveraged and inverse funds are just like many other securities or any investment that you can lose most or all your money, not to mention the above funds are not a single stock investment so they are intrinsically diversified. Individual investors like us use the leveraged and inverse funds as important tools to hedge our main investment elsewhere. The public tools should be freely used by us fairly, not designed as for priviledged only. As clearly explained by the broker on these investments, we are capable to know these securities are designed for daily use or very short term usage only, and are generally not intended to be held overnight or long term. Also, its performance in the long term does not necessarily reflect the underline indices in the long term. The special restrictions that are planned on us as regular individual investors are unnecessary and extra burden to us unfairly. I think the extra warning notes can be put in the prospectus of them that are already very detailed and clear to us. Thank you for your mindful consideration for us and do not restrict our rights to invest in the leveraged and inverse funds as we have been doing responsibly all the time.