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Robert Guerrero Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Robert Guerrero

To whom it may concern,
Greetings. Though I am supposing that investment regulations and restrictions are intended to protect investors, in this particular case I do not think so. For years I feel that potential investors like myself have been "in the dark" and left out regarding traditional investments. Crypto-currency has made it possible and accesible for people like me to invest for my retirement and be able to make generational income for my sons. I work hard and learned how to invest via crypto-currency (no other space cared for showing me how to invest safely and wisely as the crypto currency communities). So, for this reason, I vehemently oppose restrictions to my right to invest in crypto currency related funds intended for my retirement. I currently invest in BTCFX via my retirement account. I would deeply appreciate that I could maintain my right to do so freely (as America prides in differing from totalitarian regimes).