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Robert Golinski Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Robert Golinski

Comments I, an educated and experienced investor for over 50 years, utilize Direxion leveraged and inverse ETFs for my portfolios. All Direxion leveraged and inverse ETFs are intended for investors as I, with an in-depth understanding of the risks associated with seeking leveraged investment results, and I do actively monitor and manage my positions. I am aware that there is no guarantee that these Funds will meet their objective. Trading these subject ordinary, NOT COMPLEX in my opinion, products for my portfolios for about 20 years has been overall successful without even a thought of "complex" trade. I am well aware of "complex" multi-million dollar government contracts, and trading these products are RELATIVELY SIMPLE SUBJECT MATTER. Trading TQQQ for example versus QQQ requires knowledge of additional risk (3X) and preparations for faster movement. The exact same tools as charts are used for TQQQ and QQQ. There is no additional complexity involved. It requires more TIME to monitor, and the TQQQ is a much shorter duration trade. I have been well informed to risk exposure and the above in appropriate training classes , subject Direxion Prospectus, and experience.