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Robert Anderson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Robert Anderson

I very much disagree with the idea that an unelected bureaucracy, however laudable its motives might be, should be telling ME what publicly traded investment I can buy, is outrageous, and totalitarian. One can clearly see that ordinary people are often better able to see value than are so-called experts. And if an ordinary person , like me, screws up based on faulty logic, so be it. On the other hand, FINRA's proposed "rule" could keep me from making correct decisions that would benefit me and my family. I am especially outraged at the idea that unelected bureaucrats at FINRA would tell me I can't invest during a "cooling off period" ! That is obviously a way to protect one class of investor at the expense of another class. Most especially, protect the "longs" while screwing the "shorts". This is not a free market set of proposals. It's a set of high-handed and elitist faux do-gooder restrictions on individual liberty, and I insist that these proposals ought to be SCRAPPED, in favor of, simply stated, freedom to invest as one sees fit.