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Rob Satorini Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Rob Satorini

Individual investors did not blow up the economy in 2008 with the use of leveraged investments they didn't understand, over-leveraged financial institutions (and the credit agencies that bodies like FINRA failed to regulate) did. Are you planning on prohibiting those same financial institutions from using leveraged investment or are you going to once again bend retail over in the guise of "our best interests"? Maybe instead of preventing retail from making a few bucks (so we can afford to buy the exorbitant luxuries of food and shelter that idiotic QE practices are putting out of reach for many of us) you can try limiting payment for order flow, or the the front running of our trades? How about just doing your basic job of trying to create something resembling a transparent market via the elimination & regulation of dark pool trading? We all know you won't do any of the [REDACTED] that would actually make markets more transparent because that would require the remnant of an actual spine. You trying to ban retail from 2-3x leverage while allowing leverage in excess of 30:1 for financial institutional desks requires a self induced lobotomy of stunning proportions. My money, my choice.