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Rick Breitenstein Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Rick Breitenstein

I vehemently oppose any measure or regulation imposed on my behalf for investing of my own money. No one has the right to regulate how I choose to invest my money, test my knowledge, have a certain net worth, use a broker or get special approval from a broker. It is my right to spend, invest, or not, the money that I work for every single day and have since I was 16 yrs of age. Its preposterous to think that any official has the right to take away my rights, ban me due to the amount of money I have or dont have or determine my investment understanding with some created subjective test. Is this not a form of discrimination? Of course it is. Why should regulators choose and have the power to decide what I am able to invest MY own money in.
Every Individual has the right to choose to invest and how they do so. No regulatory committee or governing body has the right or should ever have the means to take away that right. What is the underlying purpose of such nonsense?