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Richard Ide Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Richard Ide


As a registered rep. for Hornblower & Weeks at 40 Wall, NYC, in 1960 and later at their uptown offices on Park Avenue at 50th, I became a devotee of Elliot Wave Theory and Edwards and Magee's Tech Stock studies. I had several times visited the packed, busy floor of the NY Stock Exchange on Broad Street, which today is virtually barren of human life. Stocks are now traded by Algorithms somewhere over in N.J. and the indices we we read are their work.
Who daily programs them, is to me a mystery! Violent smashes occur from bullion banks who are naked selling Comex gold and silver derivatives, artificially depressing gold and silver, then covering to reap profits while depressing the investing efforts of people like myself. I hold 300 + gold and silver stocks mostly for the long term and have done little short-term trading in my private life these past 59 years, having left the brokerage business and New York long ago.
No one cares to discipline these bullion banks or the Comex.
Who do you think more needs your planned regulation?
Bullion Banks? The Comex? The Algo. machinery in N.J.... or me?
I am sick of COVID MANDATES from politicians. I would become even more so should you mandate every whip-stitch of my investment decisions. I want to be free of any external
mandates controlling my investment choices... free to make whatever gains or losses my own thinking and work might occur.
Thank you for your attention.