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Richard Howe Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Richard Howe

I reject the proposed changes to existing rules for retail investors to invest in leverages and inverse funds. I would hope that the purpose of the rules and regulations you apply are to protect individuals and ensure fairness in the markets. Restricting the access of the masses to markets makes them less fair.

My experience as a small retail investor with multiple brokerages and their trading platforms is that they all do an excellent job providing education, support, and explanations to retail investors to guide them toward safe and successful investing. People who are willing to disregard this help and guidance are people who are willing to take risks, and the market would not work without people who are willing to take risks with their money.

My journey as a retail investor has (and continues to be) about learning about and evaluating different strategies, trying these strategies per my risk appetite, and adjusting or changing strategies based on the outcomes. If you restrict my ability to access the markets, you take away my freedom to participate in the market in ways I deem appropriate for my risk tolerance, reserving this right to big investors, hedge funds, wealth managers and the like, giving them even more of an advantage in a difficult market environment.

Please don't make it harder for me and people like me to participate in the market.