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Richard Fillman Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Richard Fillman

I vigorously oppose any and all restrictions to my right to invest how I see fit for my family and our unique circumstances, including limitations or prohibitions on investing in leveraged and/or inverse ETFs. I am retired and have been investing many years and understand the complexities and risks of the products in which I invest. Elitists in the government should not be dictating the instruments in which I can and can't invest, nor should they be introducing new qualifications and processes I have to go through to utilize those instruments. These proposed regulatory changes smack of class warfare; why should these options be available only to the privileged few? Limiting access to inverse ETFs would be especially damaging to my ability to build wealth and provide for my family, given the bear markets likely ahead due to gross fiscal mismanagement by our government. I strongly urge you to abandon any such restrictions or new requirements under consideration. Any failure to do so will send a strong message that this administration favors the wealthy while seeking to destroy the middle class.