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Richard Ell Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Richard Ell

Does FINRA only wish to cater to the "RICH CATS" of Wall Street? ETFs are a Godsend to smaller investors, WHOM can NOT open $1 Million + accounts with Goldman Sachs, or Morgan Stanley....and get special privileges (edges) like getting 1st dibs on new IPOs etc. NOW, inverse funds are under review so SMALL fry WILL NOT be allowed to 'short' sectors of the markets? MUST we all NOW BORROW funds from brokers if we wish to HOLD overnight (or many nights) of a SHORT interest in an ETF? We'lll ALL have to SHORT the individual stocks, represented in the ETFs??? For example a SHORT ETF of FANG (Facebook (now Meta??) and APPLE and AMAZON, and NETFLIX and GOOGLE. We'll have to short ALL of 'em, to get exposure to what an investor (small fry) believes is a DOWN move in a sector, or entire market? IN summation, ladies and gentlemen of the jury??? this SMACKS of favoritism for ONLY UP, UP, UP markets....INFLATE valuations to Mars, or 100x EPS... WATCH what happens? Take an educated guess? I STRONGLY URGE FINCA to continue SOME sentiment to having FAIR, BALANCED MARKETS (and ETFs that reflect that BALANCE)