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Rhys Ludlow Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Rhys Ludlow

I understand there are plans underway to limit the availability of certain funds deemed too complex for the average investor. As an average investor I say, "how dare you!" To decide what is right for me and restrict MY access to products like leveraged an inverse funds while allowing wealthy individuals to use these same tactics is just wrong. The playing field is already uneven. You want to cripple the little guy further?? These products allow us to access these strategies without armies of lawyers and tax accountants to keep us on the right side of the law. Are these risky? Maybe. But mind your own [REDACTED] business. So is opening a hot dog cart! Are you going to regulate who can participate in small business? Who can own rental property? Who can buy growth stocks? Watch where you tread you are about to interfere with the ordinary person's right to compete in the market. I'll be happy to sign a waiver. But don't set the bar too high or you'll unleash a hoard of angry investors.