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Reynaldo Solis Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Reynaldo Solis

No one needs any measure of exam in order to invest. Any one can and should be able to choose public investments that are right for me and my family in any way shape or form. Public investment can and should always remain available to the public. No one should be excluded in any way shape or form. What is being done is trampling on the rights of the private citizen as a worker and as a provider. I understand fully leveraged and inverse funds and their risk. Many investments are used in order to protect and hedge to seek a return. In my time frame that i have invested. I have helped many in my community to become better investors. Many also have a better understanding of financial literacy due to the freedom. Many use them as well as a small limited part of the overall portfolio during a time of crisis to prepare in such case. I oppose any form of restrictions on my rights to invest as a private citizen to invest in any public investments.