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Reece Smith Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Reece Smith


The recent democratization of investing, manifest in the rise of the retail investor, ability to trade fractions of shares, and the ability for retail investors to invest in a variety of financial instruments, has offered middle and low income people the greatest opportunity to save, invest, and build wealth. We cannot take steps back when it comes to giving people the liberty to decide what to do with their money. This rule threatens to bring us back to a time where you need $10,000 to invest, or all you can do is leave your money in a savings account earning no interest due to the fact interest rates have been kept low for decades by the Federal Reserve. People have the right to invest their money as they seem fit. The Government has not right to prevent them, especially considering all government action relies on the use of force. While surely some will invest poorly, that is their own responsibility, and it is not the role of the government to stop people misusing their money. I trust my own judgment more than I trust the judgement of government, and so do many others, and we have to right to trust our own judgment and exercise our self ownership.