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Raymond Quinn Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Raymond Quinn

Re: FINRA Ive Invested in the Markets for over 12yrs, Ive always appreciated the fact that I could Invest freely, make my own choices and decisions on what, where, Why & when I choose to Invest, Moreover, and based on the proliferation & numerous tools & Resources available to the Individual Retail Investor these days the case for the freedom of choice became even more compelling These same tools, like none other, have helped investors make Informed decisions, and at last Leveled the playing field btw Institut. & Retail investors alike, I think it a gross miscalculation on your part to make up some arbitrary, (general, broad & Vague), restrictions on my investments, that would ensnare a broad array of investment products that have greatly benefited myself & family, as if you alone know what is Best for my interests, and so, to restrict my ability & freedom to choose when, & how I invest. The use of Leveraged products has always had a very Broad & Popular appeal, among all Investors, Large & small, Retail & institutional, of all types; they have used them with great success! For myself, I have successfully utilized the Leveraged Nasdaq 100(TQQQ), the most Successful & largest by Mkt Cap, of nearly 14billion, I have used the TQQQ for both Leverage, to raise cash, & to Hedge my Positions. In short, I have had great success with the TQQQ, the only Leveraged product I use in fact, yet your arbitrary & Vague restriction &/ Regulation would ensnare one of the most successful, and Long-standing Leveraged Investments in the Investment world, to date. I beg of you, to think of the myriad of implications & unintended consequences this broad & vague thinking, treating the many types of investments as if they are all equal, will bear upon the investors, including myself, who do understand the importances of these products & has great success. In closing, let me just say, my success & freedom to choose the products I want without being told whats best for my interest, or the passing of special tests, and the so-called cooling off restriction periods is detrimental to my success and contravenes long-standing Investment practices of public disclosure, of a fair and even playing field & discrimination. Sincerely, J. Raymond Quinn [REDACTED]