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Rayan McCaulay-Herzog Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


For some of us who are young and do not have the financial means to invest meaningfully in the stock market, it is imperative to have access to leverage to smooth out the amount of investable assets throughout our lifetime. If, for example, a recession were to occur shortly before my retirement, when my earnings potential is highest and I likely have the most amount of money invested, I would be very grateful to have used leverage at the beginning of my career to compensate for the little amount of funds I currently have available to me. This is the only way that I can ensure that I am spreading out the risk of a stock market crash throughout my lifetime equitably, do you not agree? By banning leveraged products, you are forcing me to take on unnecessary extra risks that I will not face a recession just before retirement and lose a significant amount of money when I have the most at stake. At least by using leverage I can capitalize on higher returns in my earlier years to offset the loss in the future or vice versa. I already feel compelled to do whatever I can to get ahead given the high inflation environment and skyrocketing cost of living and now you want to shut the door in my face on one of the best opportunities in my lifetime to combat that. Why should leveraged tools only be available to those who need it the least?