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Ray Tri Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Ray Tri

Please do not continue to underestimate retail investors. The arbitrary 25k day trading limit, among others, already causes untold damage to retail traders who now have arbitrary limitations on what they can do because they're "too poor to play" which is blatantly discriminatory and frankly I'm surprised it's legal. By further restricting the access of retail traders to equity and investment vehicles that non-retail traders have access too, you're doing nothing but further inhibiting the accessibility of the free market to the public - which is antithetical to the point of the free market - accessibility and participation for all. Please do the right thing and work to promote market accessibility and freedom for everyone. Don't underestimate retail investors. The government should not have a say in whether or not an individual should be able to invest in something as long as the proceeds are not from illicit goods.