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Randy Knowland Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Randy Knowland

What gives u the right to determine who and who can't invest, and what they can & can't invest in. This is the USA. Home of the free. The freedom to spend our hard earned money in any manor we see fit. U already determine how much money I can invest per year, based on my income. U have no clue how much my bills are, or how much extra money I have after all my bills are paid, and all your [REDACTED] taxes are taken from me. This is MY money, MY time taken away from MY family, to make extra money to invest and create a better life for my kids and grandkids. The time has come for ALL of us to take a stand for our rights, and tell our government to back the [REDACTED] up. We put u in the position your in, we can [REDACTED] sure take u all out of it.