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Randy Julson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Randy Julson

I understand that FINRA is considering putting additional restrictions and / or eliminating a whole range of ETF products. This greatly concerns me.

From the list of products that are under consideration, I frequently use some of them, and currently have positions using these ETF's. I do strategically use some leveraged funds, but the funds that I am particularly concerned about are the inverse funds that go up when the market goes down. We have been in a bull market for several years and many market commentators feel that we may enter a bear market within the next year or so. Not having the inverse funds available during a bear market would make it very difficult to maintain my retirement account.

I have read your comments, and I understand the risks involved with the "complex funds" that you are concerned about. I certainly feel that important information should be available to investors especially when they first start using these products, but I do not feel that difficult restrictions should be placed on investors to hinder using them to enhance their portfolios.