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Rachel Godwin Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Rachel Godwin

I should be able to choose the public
investments that are right for myself.
Public investments should be available to the public,
I enjoy investing.
I also believe in freedom.
Government control and overseeing every move is not only unfair It's criminal.
Stop tightly the noose without consent.
I don't consent.
I refuse to lose all freedoms over my own person.
Illegal immigrants have more rights and aid than most Americans.
It's truly appallingly that the government has stopped being a party for the people to a disgrace of greed and power. The entire world is watching America turn weak and vulnerable. This is not acceptable. I refuse to be bullied. Stand up, do the right thing. People will admire you.
Use Florida and Governor as an example. More people are moving out of blue states seeking true freedom. Begging you just stop. We have had enough. Do the right thing. Value the generation before us that fought for freedom and stand firm and proud. Be a hero for future generations.