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Phillip Shreves Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Phillip Shreves


It is important for all investors to be able to access complex and leveraged products without discrimination. By placing a limit on retail investors, we are limiting their ability to make conscientious and smart decisions, which reduces their ability to succeed as investors. By removing the ability for the public to by all public investment products, FINRA is furthering the development of a class society and increasing the economic gap between public and privileged investors.

These complex and leveraged products allow increased risks and returns for those who are young through investment strategies such as lifecycle investing, which promotes more leverage at younger ages while decreasing leverage at older ages. This style of investing mitigates the risk while accentuating the returns of leveraged and complex investment products. Many of these products can be easily understood by a retail investor, and remove the massive capital and time investment often needed to be a competitive investor in these arenas.

Please do not further regulate these important pieces of investment strategy. They can be used safely and efficiently as part of a well balanced portfolio. Thank you for your consideration.