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Peter Park Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Peter Park

I'm writing to let you know that I vehemently oppose this regulatory proposal for the following reasons.

1. I use leveraged and inverse ETF's regularly in order to manage and reduce risk in my investment. These ETF's allow me to hedge against market risk, and therefore are a very important part of my portfolio.

2. These public investment securities should be available to everyone, not just the privileged. If these regulations are passed, it will only widen the gap between the wealthy and ordinary investors because the wealthy will have the advantage.

3. No one should have to go through a special process to be considered eligible to invest in public securities such as leveraged and inverse ETF's. Any retail investor is perfectly capable of understanding the risk involved in trading leveraged and inverse ETF's.

I'm sure I represent the vast majority of retail investors in expressing these views. Please consider these reasons seriously and do not allow these proposed regulations to be passed.