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Peter Ford Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Peter Ford

I would like to express that there should NOT be any regulatory restriction for regular investors to have access to leveraged and inverse funds.

In my opinion it should be me, not regulators, that control my ability to select investment options that are right for myself.

It is my belief that public investments should continue to be available to the entire public, not simply the privileged minority.

I think it would be a big mistake to impose increased regulatory restrictions on access to these classes of investments (more specifically inverse and leveraged ETFs). I believe that any additional regulatory restrictions imposed will significantly decrease my chances of financial freedom and financial success.

As a small-time investor/trader access to inverse and leveraged funds is a core component of my investment/trading strategies. Access to these funds (without restriction) allows me the possibility of increased returns when used as part of my investment portfolio.

In my opinion there should not need to go through a special process (or test) before I should be considered eligible to invest in public securities, including leveraged and inverse funds. Increased regulatory restrictions go against the fabric of American society, where we should have a choice what investment/trading vehicles we choose to utilize to increase our net worth.

Thank you for considering my position as you make these deliberations.