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Peter Carlino Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Peter Carlino

Dear Sirs,
In regards to the proposed ban on trading the ProShares funds, which include "inverse" tracking indices, I would like to express my discontent with any regulation that limits my freedom in trading financial instruments. Public investments, including "invers funds", need to be available for the general public to trade, not just privileged people of institutions.
I am fully aware of any risks involved in any financial investment. Part of my investment strategy often includes investing in "inverse funds". This is an important way for me to invest in protection from market risk.
Limiting the general publics ability to invest in these types of investment products, as well as others, will just drive more of the general public out of the equities markets and damage investment in corporations that are vital to the strength of the USA.
People do not like to play on an uneven playing field with different rules for different participants. This would be a net negative for our country.