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Paul Zimmerman Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Paul Zimmerman

I could go into a long monologue about why this is wholly unnecessary, and un-American, but I'm a very busy man, a business owner and former Series 7, 6, and 66 SEC license holder, so I know I qualify to invest in this stuff and probably will regardless of whatever ridiculous rules you grifters dream up. I also have been doing business and investing stuff long enough to know that you corrupt degenerates only come up with these "consumer protections" whenever your "elite" cronies start getting beaten by the "little people". I also know that you don't give two [REDACTED] what any member of the public has to say here, this is all just a bothersome formality to you that you fully intend to completely ignore on your way to ramming through the latest rigging of the system. So, whatever. I don't want to be a U.S. citizen anymore, you [REDACTED] are part of what's killing what it used to mean to be one, and the liberty that it once represented. Why bother? I intend to bail on this sinking ship anyhow. So I really am only giving this this much time to just get around to saying, [REDACTED] and that when mobs finally google property tax records to find your homes and pay you all personal visits, I will not lift a finger to help you. I'll just watch and laugh as you get whatever they decide to do with you. Preferably from somewhere warm; cold sucks.