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Paul Sutton Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Paul Sutton

Comments: I've been using leveraged ETFs for many years and am well aware of the added risk. My experience is that the risk of the leveraged vehicle is not much different than investing in individual stocks. It is easy find examples of stocks that are far more volatile than the leveraged product. For example, a two year chart of ROKU with TECL would show that the leveraged ETF was a much better choice. A two year chart with NVDA shows a similar return with the the leveraged product (150%). The advantage of the ETF of course is that there is greater diversification. The leveraged products may be generally superior to investing in individual stocks. At Schwab, we have a yearly document to sign to acknowledge the added risk. Enhanced regulations would increase the cost associated with a leverage product and decrease my investment choices. Investing in individual stocks still seems to be greater a greater risk.