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Paul Romero Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Paul Romero

What is more diabolical? Taking away the ability for everyday anyone's to protect their wealth, and maybe even obtain large gains during a market bear, or not making the knowledge about these products more readily available for the everyday anyone to educate themselves on how to use them properly, and to their best advantage. Or is doing both the most diabolical?
These assets are not designed to indirectly, and covertly expose people to a higher risk, but instead to provide people with a lower risk option to the kinds of high risk plays they might have lesser knowledge or even limited access to, thereby making the possibility for higher returns available to those who otherwise might never have this kind opportunity in the markets.
For as many years as the inverse short has been in existence for people to learn about and understand them, and so long as the markets have been fairly stable, trending upward even it's ok to allow anyone, with or without knowledge on any specific level to go out there and play with these assets win, lose, or draw. Not to mention with the highest probability of losing both money and disfavor on the table.
But now after all this time for self education, meaning a lot more everyday anyone's in a knowledgeable position to take advantage of an asset with potential upside against the bear, you want to pull this asset off the table for them. Right Now with every possible indicator pointing to an upcoming bear - the worst ever many are even saying - Right Now of all times you want to step forward and say these assets are too dangerous for the everyday anyone to have access to them. Your timing couldn't seem more nefarious!
Right Now when the power of these assets is facing their peak potential for the everyday anyone to capitalize on them, whether it be simply for a wealth protection hedge move, or for a wealth expansion speculation move you want to step forward, under the BS guise you always use to screw us over of "Protecting the public" and straight up take away everyday anyones ability to either protect or to potentially grow their wealth. Right Now when this administration has already plunged our economy into the worst inflationary period we have seen in decades, and most like will have ever seen before its over, devaluing the dollar faster than we have ever experienced, and making life even more difficult, Right Now, you want to make a move to remove wealth protection and or growth products from the hands of the everyday anyone.
Right NOW, this seems like another move to create even more government dependent poor people than it does anything even close to "Public Protection".
Besides Right Now, or anytime for that matter, but Right Now, who are you to tell me that I am too stupid to be able to make my own decisions about whether or not I should utilize these products, or for that matter even have the ability to make my own choice whether to, or not to. If Everyday Anyone is so stupid, how about you start spending your (or I should say OUR) money creating ways to better educate us, opposed figuring out even more ways how you can further diminish our capabilities of creating our own success.
Right NOW, when these products could not be more important to everyday anyone, you want to pull them from the selves and say "Sorry, We can't let you have something you might be able to easily benefit from. Go away, go suffer and struggle to figure out how you are going to eat tonight without having to depend on us to do it for you"
BACK OFF FINRA - We're FED UP with your government over-regulations/opportunity stripping in the name of "Public Safety". Right NOW, as we stand at the brink of economic collapse,,, It's time you stop taking away, and Start Teaching success and prosperity to all us everyday anyone's!
And leave these products that can help us in these Right NOW times alone!