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Paul Boydston Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Paul Boydston

I am strenuously opposed to the investment restrictions/limitations indicated here.
A) As a taxpaying, voting, citizen of the United States I strenuously object to these investing restrictions and ardently reserve MY RIGHTS to make financial decisions that are in my and my families best interest. This is particularly important when investing our own personal and retirement money.
B) I should not have to jump thru unnecessary hoops to make investment choices in PUBLIC investments that I deem are right for myself and my family.
C) I should have the same legal and UNIMPEDED access to public investment avenues and vehicles as the privileged and wealthy. I cannot stress enough how these sorts of restrictions would harm not only me and my family financially but would continue to widen the gap between the dwindling middle class and the uber wealthy in this country - a trend that will NOT end well if history is any indicator. Why would you as regulators wish to further this wrong-headed and ugly situation. Surely you are not just serving the wealthy few - but are doing your jobs to preserve the freedoms we ALL share?
D) Particular to my thesis here is my use of Inverse funds to hedge against market swings and timings that could adversely affect my families well being as well as my upcoming retirement. Fortunately for YOU, I am the one responsible for both. Unfortunately for ME, your organization seems to be in a hurry to limit my freedoms in this regard and hamper my ability to perform my duties in my responsibility to my family.

Reconsider your position on this subject - for families, for propriety, for freedom and for history... so that you don't become another peg on the descending ladder of what was once a free and great system in this country!