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Patrick Segovia Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Patrick Segovia

To The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), I want to continue having the ability to freely invest in a broad range of public securities designated as complex productsincluding the leveraged and inverse funds offered by ProShares. These "complex products" have enabled me to protect my retirement portfolio from severe financial losses. Perfect example: The current "severe corrections" markets are experiencing due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, inflation and potential higher interest rates. I have been able to hedge my retirement portfolio by buying inverse funds. My retirement portfolio is only down a fraction compared to how much the Dow and Nasdaq have dropped Year-to-Date. Without these Inverse Funds, how will I protect my retirement portfolio when the market takes an unexpected down turn? I ask again, how will I protect my retirement portfolio as severe market swings will continue to take place and I will not have a way to protect my retirement portfolio? What will I do? What solutions are providing us? How is restricting access to inverse funds preventing my retirement portfolio from losing value when the market corrects (in a major way)? As an investor, it is my(our) right to freely access the entirety of the public securities markets without arbitrary restrictions so I(we) can protect my(our) retirement portfolios. In the famous words of Bert Lance, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Sincerely, Patrick Segovia