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Nitinkumar Shroff Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Nitinkumar Shroff

Dear Sir/Madam: I oppose restrictions to my right to invest. I should be able to choose the investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all, not just a chose few. Matter-of-fact, I think we should abolish the current Initial Public Offering process and democratize that process like it is done by the largest democracy on the planet, India. In India, an IPO is open to every common man who is interested in the IPO. She/he just needs to submit an application at the local bank and show that she has funds for however many shares she is applying for. All of those subscriptions to the offer are pooled together and the shares available are distributed in proportion of the applications and the available pool of shares. Leveraged and inverse funds are important tools that can help seek enhanced returns as a limited part of our portfolios. Please consider this request and not limit a common investor's ability to invest. Thank you for your kind consideration.